UV Curing Lamp - M&R Part # 1036003A UV Curing Lamp Bulb

M&R Part # 1036003A UV Curing Lamp Bulb
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Guaranteed 100% Compatible Replacement Ultraviolet (UV) Lamp - 72 inch arc length

The M&R Part # 1036003A UV Curing Lamp Bulb is a 100% compatible replacement lamp bulb that exceeds OEM standards of UV curing bulb performance. The 72 inch lamp bulb works well with the M&R UV systems and is compatible to the following part numbers:

  • Vitran
  • SPE / Dorn
  • 6872A4C
  • 103-6003A

CureUV.com sells compatible OEM spare parts for ink jet UV printers and related equipment. We cover most of the models and stock parts and components of leading manufacturers. The use of UV curing systems is predominant in the sign and display graphics, indoor/outdoor advertising, fashion, apparel, textile, labeling, flexible packaging. CureUV offers you the benefit of finding all the replacement UV parts all at one place.

The UV lamp is best used to help in drying coatings and inks in graphics and signs. People believe that the replacement lamp is an important component for the drying system. It is better than the infra red method of drying as it resists smudges. The quartz glass plate present in the UV lamp protects lamps from debris and works as a filter between the lamp and the curing system.

Note: CureUV.com stocks generic products that are 100% compatible with the original equipment.

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UV Light Curing Lamps for Ultraviolet Dryers in Inkjet Printers