Oce Arizona 550 GT Part # 3010109598 UV Curing Lamp Bulb
Oce Arizona 550 GT Part # 3010109598 UV Curing Lamp Bulb
Guaranteed 100% Compatible Replacement Ultraviolet (UV) Lamp - 7 inch arc length
The Oce Arizona 550 GT Part # 3010109598 UV Curing Lamp Bulb is a guaranteed 100% compatible replacement lamp bulb that exceeds OEM standards of UV bulb performance. The curing lamp bulb is compatible to the Oce Arizona 550 GT UV Flatbed Printer with the following part numbers:
- 3010109598
- 3010109598F
- 3010109598-F
- 7801115
- 22073
- 3010109681
The curing lamp bulb from CureUV.com is a high quality printer lamp bulb that is economical, cost effective and eco-friendly. The lamp bulb provides excellent worry-free printing results at all times. The mercury filled lamp bulb has a 7" arc length and has a predictable lifespan. The replacement lamp ensures that the inks in graphic and signs dry uniformly and quickly. CureUV provides UV lamp for printers in different arc length and spectral fills. This UV lamp contains a quartz plate that works as a filter between the lamp and the system.
Equipment Model:
- H07A4-DU3-F1
Replacement For Lamp(s):
- OCE 550 GT / XT
- OCE 660 GT / XT
- Fuji Hi Speed
*All lamps listed are compatible brand UV products. We do not sell Oce brand lamps. All Oce brand names, trademarks and logos are property of Oce.
Note: CureUV.com stocks generic products that are 100% compatible with the original equipment.
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We are placing our third order on these Oce Arizona 550 GT UV Inkjet Lamp w/ Plug bulbs. They work great, last, and save $. No problems at all so far.
(Review migrated from previous site version)