UViterno Part # 060-2669-FE-0 UV Curing Lamp Bulb
UViterno Part # 060-2669-FE-0 UV Curing Lamp Bulb
Guaranteed 100% Compatible Replacement Ultraviolet (UV) Lamp - Iron Wavelength - 10 inch arc length
The Uviterno Part # 060-2669-FE-0 UV Curing Lamp Bulb is a 100% compatible UV lamp bulb that exceeds OEM standards of curing bulb performance. The 600 WPI replacement bulb works well for the Uviterno UV systems and to the following part numbers:
- 060-2669-FE
- DSKSE250
There is a demand for UV curing bulbs especially in the printing industry. The guaranteed replacement lamp bulb helps in drying inks and coatings. Studies show that the curing light bulb resists smudging. It does not release volatile organic compounds in the air as in the case of curing using heat. Heat curing involves the release of harmful solvents that are damaging to the environment when they evaporate. The UV bulb generates a specific wavelength that helps in curing inks and coatings. The curing bulb consists of a quartz plate that helps in easily withstanding high temperatures. The UV replacement lamps are subject to strict quality control measures.
*All lamps listed are compatible brand UV products. We do not sell Uviterno brand lamps. All Uviterno brand names, trademarks and logos are property of Uviterno.
Note: CureUV.com stocks generic products that are 100% compatible with the original equipment.