GermAwayUV Germicidal Lights and Disinfection UV Lamps
UV-C Visualizer Kit
Small Handheld UVC Surface Sanitizer Wand
$19.99 $59.99
GermAwayUV 36 Watt HVAC UVC Air Purifier
from $199.99
Heavy Duty Dual Bulb 72 Watt HVAC UV Air Purifier
from $249.99
GermAwayUV Ultraviolet Ambulance Disinfection System
from $599.99
GermAwayUV High Occupancy Wall Mountable Air Purifier and Sanitizer
$700.00 $1,299.99
GermAwayUV HVAC Coil Scrubber 36 or 72 Watts
from $249.99
Replacement Filters for GermAwayUV Centurion
from $29.99
GermAwayUV Spartan In-Room UV & HEPA Air Purifier
$99.99 $249.99
Germicide Reflective Paint - Lumacept Bright
from $176.99
GermAwayUV 2-144 GPM UV Water Purifier
from $119.99
220 Watt Commercial Coil HVAC UV System
GermAwayUV 95 watt HVAC UVC Unit
250 CFM GermAwayUV Defender
Ceiling Mount UVC Air Sanitizer
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The GermAwayUV product line of UVC germicidal lights offer solutions for medical and commercial applications in need of UV disinfection lamps.
We have developed the exclusive GERM-AWAY UVC product line to provide something for everyone and matching the best product to the best application purpose. Providing what you need with an easy to choose selection. Covering UVC applications from indoor surface, single room, complete home, business, and medical to any public area, has the right portable, mobile, permanent, or travel product for you.